Filing for bankruptcy can be a stressful and confusing for individuals.  Working with a government licensed Trustee in bankruptcy can help alleviate some of the stress.  When you come in for your initial consultation, your advisor will take the time to outline all of your required duties, and to explain the bankruptcy process.  There are some standard duties that individuals in bankruptcy are required to complete.

In bankruptcy, it is a requirement that you attend two credit counselling sessions, within a specified time frame.  These sessions are required regardless of the reason behind your financial difficulties.  Topics covered in these sessions include money management, using and obtaining credit, re-establishing credit and looking at your financial strengths and weaknesses.  While it is possible for these to be done in a group setting, it is more common that you would receive one on one counselling through your Trustee’s office.

As part of the bankruptcy process it is also required that you submit income and expense information for the period of your bankruptcy.   You are also required to submit proof of the income that you are declaring, as well as receipts for any non-discretionary expenses ie. Day care, medical expenses or support payments.   Submitting this information is a mandatory part of the bankruptcy process.

Depending on your unique situation, there are other items that are often required of you.  Some of these duties include:

  • Keep the Trustee’s office informed of your address and/or contact information;
  • Provide the Trustee with the information needed to complete your income tax return(s);
  • Inform the Trustee of any changes to your family situation or employment situation;
  • Provide any information regarding your assets to the Trustee’s office.


When you are facing a financial crisis, do not get overwhelmed by the duties that you would need to complete in the bankruptcy process.  Your Trustee will help ensure that you meet your requirements by explaining them clearly throughout the process.  They will guide you through each step of the way.