Here are some things that you should look at. Information is also provided regarding what you might want to bring to the table on your first meeting to give your chosen Trustee a good idea of what they’re dealing with.
Your Records
Part of choosing the right trustee means understanding your situation. For example, if you’re looking at a very large bankruptcy, you’re going to want a Trustee who has some experience dealing with such matters. If you have recently moved, you’re going to want a Trustee who has offices in the city that you recently moved to, particularly if you had to move during the proceedings and as you would need to stay with your original Trustee, unless you wanted to involve the Bankruptcy Court.
The Office of Consumer Affairs has information you can use regarding finding your credit report, and you should be able to get any other records that you need for your Trustee together on your own. Bring in as much as you can and it will help the Trustee to assess your situation and determine whether they’re the right person to represent you.
The experience factor is important with a Trustee. Their job is to make certain that everything is handled correctly regarding the bankruptcy and there is a lot of detailed work that goes into a successful bankruptcy. You’ll want somebody who has enough experience handling bankruptcies to be able to take your situation and make certain that they use every available resource to get the best deal possible for you.
Handling a bankruptcy incorrectly can be disastrous. For example, there are accommodations to make certain that you don’t end up suffering undue hardship due to the fact that you simply don’t have enough money to pay debts. The wrong Trustee may not handle things correctly and put you in a difficult situation.
Working with a Trustee is something like working with a doctor. You’re probably dealing with something unpleasant that you don’t really want to face down, but dealing with the situation along with the assistance of somebody with genuine expertise makes everything a lot easier to handle.
Make sure you’re working with a Trustee who not only makes you feel confidence about their overall level of competence, but who also makes it feel like you’re good a person who is just in a bad situation. Good Trustees actually do a lot for the people they work for and take some pride in being able to help people start over from a bad situation. A combination of professionalism, capability and knowledge go into making a perfect Trustee and anyone going through bankruptcy deserves the highest level of service possible.